Dynamic DNS

The lxd-manager takes full control over the delegated DNS domain and acts as authoritative server. For some applications it might however be useful to add custom entries in this zone.

Static Extra Entries

To add static entries to your delegated zone, add them in the admin panel at /admin/dns/zoneextra/

They are parsed as bind zone files, may contain multiple lines and use an ORIGIN as defined. To create a wildcard RR for anything under k3s.your-delegation.tld to use.

*.k3s  3600 IN A

The description is just to keep entries organized.

Dynamic Updates

For more complex scenarios, there is a need for API access to the resource records of the authoritative zone. This is for example the case for wildcard ACME TLS certificates.

Service User

To authenticate updates to the RR, first select a user, or better, create a service user at /admin/auth/user/, which is local to the lxd-manager and not authenticated via gitlab oauth.

Auth Token

Then add an access token to this user at /admin/authtoken/tokenproxy/add/. Use the magnifier icon to search the service user's id. On the token overview /admin/authtoken/tokenproxy/, copy the key.

RR Template

In this step, create the template for the dynamic entry at /admin/dns/dynamicentry/. The dynamic value is inserted by %s. As an example, to create a template for an ACME challenge TXT RR for the subdomain p.your-delegation, use

_acme-challenge.p 60 IN TXT "%s"

and set the service user as the owner. Leave the value empty. Note down the ID of the template (seen in the URL admin/dns/dynamicentry/1/change/)

Update Value

To set the value, use e.g. this curl command

curl -H "Authorization: Token ${TOKEN}" -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"value\":\"${VALUE}\"}"  ${APIURL}/api/dynamicentry/${UPDATEID}/


# the api location without trailing /
# the id of the updateable object, found on the /api/dynamicentry/ list overview
UPDATEID= e.g. 1
# the token of one of the owners
TOKEN=e.g. "123987acf9871092837918279381723"
# the value you want to set
VALUE=e.g. "flag!"

Dehydrated Hook Script

If you use https://dehydrated.io/ to obtain your certifcates, use the hook script at dehydrated-hook.sh directly and adapt it with the values from above.